No one likes spring cleaning as it is an exhausting and time consuming task which seems to be endless as there is always one last thing that needs to be taken care of. However, there are things that you can do to facilitate your spring cleaning duties and if you keep reading you will learn them.

  1. Work downwards

Always commence cleaning at the top of your house and work your way down. This will makes things easier for you as if you start from the bottom all the dust will get airborne and accumulate on the top and then when you commence cleaning the upper areas of your home all the harmful particles will fall back down which means that you will have to clean the lower parts of your house again.

  1. Clean in the right order

You can drastically ease your spring cleaning by doing things in the right order. You should start by de-cluttering your home, then dust, clean and end the task with vacuuming or mopping the floors. If you don’t follow this sequence you will most likely have to repeat some if not all of them at one point. For example if you vacuum first and then dust, dust particles will fall on the floor which will obligate you the vacuum once again.

  1. Shed your belongings

The spring cleaning is the ideal time to get rid of items that you don’t use. We aren’t saying that you should throw them away because you can always donate them if they are in a good condition. But if you have belongings which you haven’t used for at least six months, you should consider to possibility to shed them and therefore reduce the amount of things that you must sanitise.

  1. Take care of your window treatments

Spring Cleaning TricksMost people make the common mistake of assuming that curtains, drapes and blinds don’t accumulate dust and dirt. The truth however is that they do and if you don’t clean them they will not only discolourate and fade but also commence to rot. So, during your spring cleaning it is extremely important that you take down your window treatments and wash them thoroughly.

  1. Deep clean

The best way to make sure that you house is immaculately sanitised is to deep clean everything. If you don’t have the necessary tools don’t be hesitant to contact and hire contractors who providing deep cleaning services in London. By doing so you will have the peace of mind that the job is being handled by skilled and experienced professionals. Keep in mind that most sanitation specialists provide spring cleaning services as well.

  1. Freshen your furniture upholstery

This is perhaps the most time consuming stage of your spring cleaning as you will have to strip your furnishings naked and wash their upholstery. Keep in mind that some types of fabrics are very delicate, so make sure that you read their tags before you soak them in any type of cleaning detergent. Also, know that some stains can be quite resilient which means that you may have to wash them for then once.